About Me

investing life

My Trading style

I have been trading close to 4 years now and over time I have learned what does and does not work for me and my lifestyle. I do not have the time to look at numbers all day and I strive on making confident trading decisions that I can set and come back to. However, practice makes perfect so I also spend time continuously learning and 'practice' trading to keep building my skillset.

My goals for myself is to find the easiest way to retain learned information and create reference document to help assist with placing confident trades. And that is what I want to provide to you. Ready to get started?


My Story

Hey! I'm Sharene! Addicted to learning and always wanting to share knowledge with others.

I was never really taught about the stock market and just thought it was a bunch of people just running around screaming numbers like they were going mad! Now (at times) I am one of those people! My goal is to help others just starting to get to that point as well...in the easiest, most efficient way possible!